Whether it’s to surprise a friend or loved one with the perfect gift, memorialize a beloved pet who’s crossed the rainbow bridge, or get all your pets in one image, a custom pet portrait is a great way to commemorate that special four legged friend.

The portraits are done in colored pencil on vellum. I work from a photo reference. If you have multiple pets, they don't have to be in the same photo. I can put them into the drawing together from separate photo references, the only thing I ask is that the photos be from the same point of view. Since the material I am working on is translucent, I do not add a full background; however, I can add a hint of one, such as a ground, shadow, or suggestion of trees or water etc.

Once I have a sketch of the drawing, I will email you a photo of it. If you want something changed, that is the time to tell me. Once the color is started, it is hard to change major things. I will change what is suggested (if anything) and send another photo and so on until you are satisfied. Then I will start adding the color. When I am done with the drawing, I will send another photo. When you are happy with the changes (if any) it will be ready to mail. It takes me about three weeks to finish a drawing. If you have a specific deadline (Christmas for example), please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate you.

All major credit cards, Pay Pal, and checks are accepted. Once I have received payment, I mail or drop off the finished drawing. Gift certificates are available as well. I can only offer framing services for those in the Chicago, IL area.

Sizing and pricing are as follows: 11”x14” for $150, 9”x12” for $130, 6”x9” for $115, 4.5”x6” for $100. Custom sizes are also available. Pricing for custom sizes varies with the size. Prices are in USD. Shipping is additional.

Please contact me with any questions or to commission a portrait.